Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday!

Top 10 Bookish Resolutions/Goals for 2018

1. Read 75 books. I've set my Goodreads Reading Challenge to 75 books - if I hit it, that will be a new record for me! The last three years, I've set it to 50 and hit around 65. I can squeeze 10 more books out of this year, right?

2. Write. More. Reviews. I don't know what my review-to-ignore percentage is, and I really don't think I want to. Even if they're short, I want to try much harder to publish reviews for everything I read.

3. Keep my bookshelves pretty. As of January, I'm living in a new apartment, and we furnished an entire wall with a beautiful new bookcase. I even left room for expansion! It's in our living room instead of tucked away in a book corner, so I want it to stay all pretty and picturesque.

4. Bookstagram! I love my Bookstagram to pieces, but I let it fall by the wayside when I moved with my in-laws for a while. With this new place I have no excuse to not keep it up.

5. Plan the books I buy. There are so many books I want to own and I just keep impulse buying books I end up hating! If I buy a book, I want it to be one I'll love (or at least one with a pretty cover!)

6. Read more #OwnVoices authors. I did fairly well with this last year, but there's always room for improvement. I want to continue with a focus on LGBTQIA+ literature, but I don't wish to participate in objectification or commodification of the subject.

7. Read more culturally diverse books. This is such a wide umbrella, but in doing my 2017 end of the year review, I realized I was awful at all aspects of this! Books with lead characters of color, books by authors of color, and books from countries other than my own need to be priorities in my reading this year!

8. Make more bookish friends. Sites like Goodreads and Bloglovin are so great for building book communities. There are a few users I find myself chatting with frequently, but I'd like to involve myself more with things like buddy reads and challenges to really be in the bookish community.

9. Read more classics and plays. I've never struggled with this, but in 2017 the only play I read was Angels in America - and it was also the oldest book I read! Who am I? Get me some Shakespeare and Austen, stat!

10. BLOG! I want to give this blog proper love and attention. Guest posts, interviews, topical discussions. I want Looseleaf Reviews to have a life beyond just reviews.

What are your goals for the year? Let me know in the comments, and wish me luck with mine!

Weekly feature courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl.


  1. Sounds like you have some solid goals for 2018. I hope you manage to meet every one of them!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  2. You've got some great goals! I tend to impulse buy and then later completely regret it. Good luck on your goals! :)
