Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Flash Reviews: The Selection, The Elite, The Crown

Ever feel like you read too many books to give them all the proper review they deserve? In an effort to minimize my "to-review" shelf, I have created this page of Flash Reviews. Flash reviews 200 words or less and give a quick commentary on my general thoughts of a book. My hope is to use these as a launching pad to eventually return to and write a full-length review.

The Selection (The Selection #1)
Author: Kiera Cass
Genre: YA/ Dystopian / Romance
Date Read: August 2016
Rating: ★★★☆☆

A lot of people have called this their guilty pleasure read and I agree completely. The plot and the romance and fun and engaging, but the dystopian element is as flimsy as a cardboard wall. If the author put an ounce more effort into world building I would have taken it seriously, but as it stands, I felt like she needed to take an economics class. But as far as positives, America is a fairly engaging protagonist and the premise of The Selection has all the juicy drama of watching The Bachelor. I'll be continuing the series at the very least.

The Elite (The Selection #2)
Author: Kiera Cass
Genre: YA/ Dystopian / Romance
Date Read: August 2016
Rating: ★★★☆☆

This book was simultaneously better and worse than the first. There was much more political drama and I found myself rolling my eyes less at the world building that I previously called flimsy. On the flip side, the romance got ridiculous. I understand that America is 17 and life is complicated at that age, but I have no sympathy for cheaters. Just pick one! Especially if she cares about politics, Maxon is the obvious choice, and she just needs to let Aspen ego instead of stringing him along. Here's to hoping that the next book is more political drama!

The Crown (The Selection #5)
Author: Kiera Cass
Genre: YA/ Dystopian / Romance
Date Read: September 2016
Rating: ★★★☆☆

This was almost my favorite book of The Selection series if it wasn't so damn SHORT! 279 pages? Why you gotta play us dirty, Miss Cass? I have absolutely fallen in love with Eadlyn and all of her boys, and don't get me wrong, I love the ending of this, but I felt like there was no buildup whatsoever. I want to love this couple so much, but while we get to fall in love with their characters individually, the buildup to the relationship is literally non-existent. It is very in keeping with Eadlyn's character that she goes all in without even knowing if her decision is what he wants, but where's the fallout? Or even the lead up? So much was left unexplored I just have to wonder why this was published as is.

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